目前分類:念书的日子 (3)

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english for commercial purpose 3    A

tamdun islam B+

company law B+

financial accounting 2  A

cost accounting A

yizhuen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


三十日那天,因为latihan industri这科需要,所以我们选了参观槟城国际机场 (Penang International Airport )





yizhuen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

After this sem, I will start my training from 29 Nov to 29 April 2011.

So I have to find the training place during this sem.

The place that my uncle helped me to find can't give me reply whether want hire me or not,

so I find another place for my training.

I try to phone the audit firm on Mon and the manager call me go for interview when I m free.

The manager is quite nice, anything pun ok.

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