canying, 29 nov is ur big day !!!!!
finally i found a pic that we took 2gether....
next time we should take more pic when hang out ....
i think we knew each other on form 1 if i nt mistaken
but on that time we r not so close, just say hi only
form 2 we same class again,and we sat together in class...
we bcom more close n bcom best friend
always chit chat at class.....
i found that how come this girl is so nice
and u r the 1 don't know to reject ppl punya
form 4 we met again at 4C1...
i rmb i sat with doreen ,and u sat with lifei
we 4 always chit chat at class,the teachers always complained us
bcos we had a lot of things to chat =)
fashion, shopping, stars, lots & lots......
form 5, u sat in front of class but i sat at the back
but i always like to go to place chit chat n more..
until now we bcom ji mui =)
sry for can't meet u b4 u went to Sarawak....
but i know u will back on nov !!!!!!
i m so glad when heard that ......
wait u back....
gathering & teach me ur homemade muffin =)
when wan go kl shopping ??
hehe....dec or jan??
i gonna buy my cny clothes
Uniqlo opening soon...
lastly, happy birthday to u!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19 years old liao
same age with me liao
all the best to u
have a blast
stay pretty & charming =)