Actually I still on holidays mode when I back to Poly.
Too many gathering to attend make me no time to finish my homeworks and revision
but it's worth!!! I met a lot of my old friends and buddies, really long times no see them.
Primary school gathering at my teacher's house. Her new house is so awesome, I like everywhere of her house !!!
nice and comfortable!!!
Besides, meet Jiemin and the gang, Celine, Jason and the gang, Meiyi and the gang.
This year I celebrate my singletine. I enjoy every single moment in my life.
I can live well without you. I won't see you everyday after two months.
It's a good news for me because I don't want to suffer in that problem anymore. It's enough !!!!!!
I bought a vintage watch for myself by using my income.
I was craving so long time for that. Finally it is mine.hohohoho
I got Hong Kong two ways flight tickets from mum!!! Thanks your love so much !!!!
My 2012 will full with love and happiness !!!!
I will going to Taiwan on May, Hong Kong on Nov.
Next week will be my semester break but it is not a happy holidays.
Lots of assignments, projects and midterms to study.
I will manage my times wisely and try focus more on my study. =)))
Lots of books and magazines to read but the time is so little.
Good night =)